Source code for qf_lib.plotting.decorators.point_emphasis_decorator

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Any, Tuple

import pandas

from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.chart_decorator import ChartDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.data_element_decorator import DataElementDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.simple_legend_item import SimpleLegendItem

[docs]class PointEmphasisDecorator(ChartDecorator, SimpleLegendItem): """ Creates a new marker for `series_data_element` for `x=series_index`. For a timeseries, you can specify the time that you wish to be emphasised. Parameters ---------- series_data_element: DataElementDecorator The DataElementDecorator which should be decorated with an emphasised point. coordinates: Tuple[Any, Any] The x and y coordinate of the point that should be emphasised. The x and y coordinates should be expressed in data coordinates (e.g. the x coordinate should be a date if x-axis contains dates). color: str color of the marker; by default it will be the same as the decorated line decimal_points: int number of decimal points that should be shown in the point's label label_format: str A format string specifying how the label should be displayed. Takes two parameters: the index and value. useful values: ' {:0.1E}', ' {:0.1f}' key: str see: ChartDecorator.__init__#key use_secondary_axes: bool determines whether this PointEmphasis belongs on the secondary axis. move_point: bool font_size: int size of font """ def __init__(self, series_data_element: DataElementDecorator, coordinates: Tuple[Any, Any], color: str = None, decimal_points: int = 2, label_format: str = ' {:.4g}', key: str = None, use_secondary_axes: bool = False, move_point: bool = True, font_size: int = 15): # label_format = ' {:0.1E}' ChartDecorator.__init__(self, key) SimpleLegendItem.__init__(self) assert isinstance(, pandas.Series) assert not pandas.isnull(coordinates[0]) assert not pandas.isnull(coordinates[1]) self._series_data_element = series_data_element self._series_point = coordinates self._color = color self._decimal_points = decimal_points self._label_format = label_format self._text_pos = None self._use_secondary_axes = use_secondary_axes self.move_point = move_point self.font_size = font_size
[docs] def decorate(self, chart: "Chart"): ax = chart.secondary_axes if self._use_secondary_axes else chart.axes decorated_line = self._series_data_element.legend_artist if self._color is None: self._color = decorated_line.get_color() x = self._series_point[0] y = self._series_point[1] self.legend_artist = ax.plot([x], [y], 'o', color=self._color)[0] # Format label based on specified format string. label = self._label_format.format(y) if self.move_point: # Calculate where the text should be positioned. self._text_pos = self._calculate_text_position(chart, x, y) # Draw the text on the graph. ax.text(self._text_pos[0], self._text_pos[1], label, size=self.font_size, weight="bold", family="Arial", color=self._color) else: ax.text(x, y, label, size=self.font_size, weight="bold", family="Arial", color=self._color)
def _calculate_text_position(self, line_chart, x, y) -> (object, float): axes = line_chart.axes pos = [x, y] # Calculate how much we need to move the label based on the y axis limits. movement_constant = (axes.get_ylim()[1] - axes.get_ylim()[0]) / 10 # Calculate the max distance between two labels that still counts as a collision. proximity = (axes.get_ylim()[1] - axes.get_ylim()[0]) / 20 # Go through each each decorator, to see if any point emphasis decorators overlap this one. for key, decorator in line_chart._decorators.items(): if isinstance(decorator, PointEmphasisDecorator) and decorator._text_pos is not None and key != self.key: if abs(pos[1] - decorator._text_pos[1]) < proximity: # If we are overlapping, move the label up. pos[1] += movement_constant return pos