Source code for qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.backtest_crypto_position

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from numpy import sign
from math import isclose

from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.backtest_position import BacktestPosition
from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.transaction import Transaction
from qf_lib.common.utils.miscellaneous.constants import ISCLOSE_REL_TOL, ISCLOSE_ABS_TOL

[docs]class BacktestCryptoPosition(BacktestPosition):
[docs] def market_value(self) -> float: return self.quantity() * self.current_price
[docs] def total_exposure(self) -> float: return self._quantity * self.current_price
def _cash_to_buy_or_proceeds_from_sale(self, transaction: Transaction) -> float: result = transaction.price * transaction.quantity + transaction.commission return -result def _compute_profit_and_loss_fraction(self, price: float, quantity: float): if sign(quantity) * self.direction() == -1: price_pnl = price - self._avg_price_per_unit # We multiply by the direction, so that the in case of finding a pair of transaction going in opposite # directions, the realized pnl of this operation would consider the direction of the position quantity = self.direction() * abs(quantity) return price_pnl * quantity else: return 0.0
[docs] def transact_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction) -> float: self._check_if_open() assert transaction.ticker == self._ticker, "Ticker of the Transaction has to match the Ticker of the Position" assert isclose(transaction.quantity, 0, rel_tol=ISCLOSE_REL_TOL, abs_tol=ISCLOSE_ABS_TOL) is not True, "`Transaction.quantity` shouldn't be 0" assert transaction.price > 0.0, "Transaction.price must be positive. For short sales use a negative quantity" if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = transaction.time if self._direction == 0: self._direction = sign(transaction.quantity) sign_change = sign(self._quantity) * sign(self._quantity + transaction.quantity) assert sign_change != -1, "Position cannot change direction (for ex: from Long to Short). Close it first" # has to be called before we append the transaction to list of all transactions cash_move = self._cash_to_buy_or_proceeds_from_sale(transaction) self._realised_pnl_without_commissions += self._compute_profit_and_loss_fraction(price=transaction.price, quantity=transaction.quantity) if sign(transaction.quantity) == self.direction(): self._avg_price_per_unit = (self._avg_price_per_unit * self._quantity + transaction.price * transaction.quantity) / (self._quantity + transaction.quantity) if isclose(self._quantity + transaction.quantity, 0, rel_tol=ISCLOSE_REL_TOL, abs_tol=ISCLOSE_ABS_TOL): # close the position if the number of shares drops to zero self._close_position(transaction.time) self._quantity += transaction.quantity self._commission += transaction.commission return cash_move