Source code for qf_lib.data_providers.preset_data_provider

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, Sequence, Set, Type, Dict, FrozenSet, Optional
import pandas as pd

from qf_lib.common.enums.expiration_date_field import ExpirationDateField
from qf_lib.common.enums.frequency import Frequency
from qf_lib.common.enums.price_field import PriceField
from qf_lib.common.tickers.tickers import Ticker
from qf_lib.common.utils.dateutils.relative_delta import RelativeDelta
from qf_lib.common.utils.miscellaneous.to_list_conversion import convert_to_list
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.prices_dataframe import PricesDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.qf_dataframe import QFDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.dimension_names import DATES, FIELDS, TICKERS
from qf_lib.containers.futures.future_tickers.future_ticker import FutureTicker
from qf_lib.containers.qf_data_array import QFDataArray
from qf_lib.containers.series.prices_series import PricesSeries
from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries
from qf_lib.data_providers.helpers import normalize_data_array
from qf_lib.data_providers.data_provider import DataProvider

[docs]class PresetDataProvider(DataProvider): """ Wrapper on QFDataArray which makes it a DataProvider. Parameters ---------- data data to be wrapped, indexed by date, (specific) tickers and fields start_date beginning of the cached period (not necessarily the first date in the `data`) end_date end of the cached period (not necessarily the last date in the `data`) frequency frequency of the data exp_dates dictionary mapping FutureTickers to QFDataFrame of contracts expiration dates, belonging to the certain future ticker family """ def __init__(self, data: QFDataArray, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, frequency: Frequency, exp_dates: Dict[FutureTicker, QFDataFrame] = None): super().__init__() self._data_bundle = data self._frequency = frequency self._exp_dates = exp_dates self._tickers_cached_set = frozenset(data.tickers.values) self._future_tickers_cached_set = frozenset(exp_dates.keys()) if exp_dates is not None else None self._fields_cached_set = frozenset(data.fields.values) self._start_date = start_date self._end_date = end_date self._ticker_types = {type(ticker) for ticker in data.tickers.values} @property def data_bundle(self) -> QFDataArray: return self._data_bundle @property def frequency(self) -> Frequency: return self._frequency @property def exp_dates(self) -> Dict[FutureTicker, QFDataFrame]: return self._exp_dates @property def cached_tickers(self) -> FrozenSet[Ticker]: return self._tickers_cached_set @property def cached_future_tickers(self) -> FrozenSet[FutureTicker]: return self._future_tickers_cached_set @property def cached_fields(self) -> FrozenSet[Union[str, PriceField]]: return self._fields_cached_set @property def start_date(self) -> datetime: return self._start_date @property def end_date(self) -> datetime: return self._end_date
[docs] def supported_ticker_types(self) -> Set[Type[Ticker]]: return self._ticker_types
[docs] def get_price(self, tickers: Union[Ticker, Sequence[Ticker]], fields: Union[PriceField, Sequence[PriceField]], start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime = None, frequency: Frequency = Frequency.DAILY) -> \ Union[None, PricesSeries, PricesDataFrame, QFDataArray]: # The passed desired data frequency should be at most equal to the frequency of the initially loaded data # (in case of downsampling the data may be aggregated, but no data upsampling is supported). assert frequency <= self._frequency, "The passed data frequency should be at most equal to the frequency of " \ "the initially loaded data" # The PresetDataProvider does not support data aggregation for frequency lower than daily frequency if frequency < self._frequency and frequency <= Frequency.DAILY: raise NotImplementedError("Data aggregation for lower than or equal to daily frequency is not supported yet") start_date = self._adjust_start_date(start_date, frequency) end_date = self._adjust_end_date(end_date, frequency) # Prearrange all the necessary parameters # In order to be able to return data for FutureTickers create a mapping between tickers and corresponding # specific tickers (in case of non FutureTickers it will be an identity mapping) tickers, got_single_ticker = convert_to_list(tickers, Ticker) tickers_mapping = {(t.get_current_specific_ticker() if isinstance(t, FutureTicker) else t): t for t in tickers} specific_tickers = list(tickers_mapping.keys()) fields, got_single_field = convert_to_list(fields, PriceField) got_single_date = ( (start_date == end_date) if frequency <= Frequency.DAILY else (start_date + frequency.time_delta() > end_date) ) self._check_if_cached_data_available(specific_tickers, fields, start_date, end_date) data_array = self._data_bundle.loc[start_date:end_date, specific_tickers, fields] # Data aggregation (allowed only for the Intraday Data and in case if more then 1 data point is found) if frequency < self._frequency and len(data_array[DATES]) > 0: data_array = self._aggregate_intraday_data(data_array, start_date, end_date, fields, frequency) normalized_result = normalize_data_array( data_array, specific_tickers, fields, got_single_date, got_single_ticker, got_single_field, use_prices_types=True ) # Map the specific tickers onto the tickers given by the tickers_mapping array if isinstance(normalized_result, QFDataArray): normalized_result = normalized_result.assign_coords( tickers=[tickers_mapping[t] for t in normalized_result.tickers.values]) elif isinstance(normalized_result, PricesDataFrame): normalized_result = normalized_result.rename(columns=tickers_mapping) elif isinstance(normalized_result, PricesSeries): # Name of the PricesSeries can only contain strings ticker = tickers[0] normalized_result = normalized_result.rename(ticker.ticker) return normalized_result
def _check_if_cached_data_available(self, tickers, fields, start_date, end_date): uncached_tickers = set(tickers) - self._tickers_cached_set if uncached_tickers: tickers_str = [t.as_string() for t in uncached_tickers] raise ValueError("Tickers: {} are not available in the Data Bundle".format(tickers_str)) # fields which are not cached but were requested uncached_fields = set(fields) - self._fields_cached_set if uncached_fields: raise ValueError("Fields: {} are not available in the Data Bundle".format(fields)) def remove_time_part(date: datetime): return datetime(date.year, date.month, start_date_not_included = start_date < self._start_date if self._frequency > Frequency.DAILY else \ remove_time_part(start_date) < remove_time_part(self._start_date) if start_date_not_included: raise ValueError("Requested start date {} is before data bundle start date {}". format(start_date, self._start_date)) end_date_not_included = end_date > self._end_date if self._frequency > Frequency.DAILY else \ remove_time_part(end_date) > remove_time_part(self._end_date) if end_date_not_included: raise ValueError("Requested end date {} is after data bundle end date {}". format(end_date, self._end_date))
[docs] def get_history(self, tickers: Union[Ticker, Sequence[Ticker]], fields: Union[str, Sequence[str]], start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime = None, frequency: Frequency = Frequency.DAILY, **kwargs ) -> Union[QFSeries, QFDataFrame, QFDataArray]: # Verify whether the passed frequency parameter is correct and can be used with the preset data assert frequency == self._frequency, "Currently, for the get history does not support data sampling" start_date = self._adjust_start_date(start_date, frequency) end_date = self._adjust_end_date(end_date, frequency) # In order to be able to return data for FutureTickers create a mapping between tickers and corresponding # specific tickers (in case of non FutureTickers it will be an identity mapping) tickers, got_single_ticker = convert_to_list(tickers, Ticker) tickers_mapping = { (t.get_current_specific_ticker() if isinstance(t, FutureTicker) else t): t for t in tickers } specific_tickers = list(tickers_mapping.keys()) fields, got_single_field = convert_to_list(fields, str) got_single_date = ( (start_date == end_date) if frequency <= Frequency.DAILY else (start_date + frequency.time_delta() > end_date) ) self._check_if_cached_data_available(specific_tickers, fields, start_date, end_date) data_array = self._data_bundle.loc[start_date:end_date, specific_tickers, fields] normalized_result = normalize_data_array(data_array, specific_tickers, fields, got_single_date, got_single_ticker, got_single_field, use_prices_types=False) # Map the specific tickers onto the tickers given by the tickers_mapping array if isinstance(normalized_result, QFDataArray): normalized_result = normalized_result.assign_coords( tickers=[tickers_mapping[t] for t in normalized_result.tickers.values]) elif isinstance(normalized_result, PricesDataFrame): normalized_result = normalized_result.rename(columns=tickers_mapping) elif isinstance(normalized_result, PricesSeries): # Name of the PricesSeries can only contain strings ticker = tickers[0] normalized_result = normalized_result.rename( return normalized_result
[docs] def get_futures_chain_tickers(self, tickers: Union[FutureTicker, Sequence[FutureTicker]], expiration_date_fields: Union[ExpirationDateField, Sequence[ExpirationDateField]]) \ -> Dict[FutureTicker, Union[QFSeries, QFDataFrame]]: tickers, got_single_ticker = convert_to_list(tickers, Ticker) # Check if the futures tickers are in the exp_dates keys uncached_future_tickers = set(tickers) - set(self._exp_dates.keys()) if uncached_future_tickers: tickers_str = [ for t in tickers] raise ValueError("Tickers: {} are not available in the Data Bundle".format(tickers_str)) future_chain_tickers = { ticker: self._exp_dates[ticker] for ticker in tickers } return future_chain_tickers
def _aggregate_intraday_data(self, data_array, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, fields, frequency: Frequency): """ Function, which aggregates the intraday data array for various dates and returns a new data array with data sampled with the given frequency. """ prices_list = [] for field in fields: prices = data_array.loc[start_date:end_date, :, field].to_series().groupby( [pd.Grouper(freq=frequency.to_pandas_freq(), level=0, label="left", origin="start_day"), pd.Grouper(level=1)]) if field is PriceField.Open: prices = prices.first() elif field is PriceField.Close: prices = prices.last() elif field is PriceField.Low: prices = prices.min() elif field is PriceField.High: prices = prices.max() elif field is PriceField.Volume: prices = prices.sum() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown price field passed to the PresetDataProvider: {field}") prices = pd.concat({field: prices}, names=[FIELDS]) prices_list.append(prices) data_array = QFDataArray.from_xr_data_array(pd.concat(prices_list).reorder_levels([DATES, TICKERS, FIELDS]).to_xarray()) return data_array @staticmethod def _adjust_end_date(end_date: Optional[datetime], frequency: Frequency) -> datetime: end_date = end_date or end_date = end_date + RelativeDelta(second=0, microsecond=0) if frequency > Frequency.DAILY: # In case of high frequency - the data array should not include the end_date. The data range is # labeled with the beginning index time and excludes the end of the time range, therefore a new # end date is computed. end_date = end_date - Frequency.MIN_1.time_delta() return end_date