Source code for qf_lib.plotting.charts.heatmap.values_annotations

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np
import seaborn.utils as sb_utils

from qf_lib.plotting.charts.heatmap.heatmap_chart_decorator import HeatMapChartDecorator

[docs]class ValuesAnnotations(HeatMapChartDecorator): """ Adds annotations containing values for each square presented on the heat map. Parameters ---------- format_str: str The format of the annotation showed inside of each element of the heat map key see: Chart.__init__#key plot_settings additional keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib's Axes.text() method """ def __init__(self, format_str='.2g', key=None, **plot_settings): super().__init__(key) self._plot_settings = plot_settings self._format_str = format_str
[docs] def decorate(self, chart: "HeatMapChart"): mesh = chart.color_mesh_ ax = chart.axes x_locs, y_locs = np.meshgrid(ax.get_xticks(), ax.get_yticks()) values = mesh.get_array() mesh_facecolors = mesh.get_facecolors() for x, y, value, mesh_face_color in zip(x_locs.flat, y_locs.flat, values, mesh_facecolors): annotation = ("{:" + self._format_str + "}").format(value) text_color = self.get_text_color(mesh_face_color) plot_settings = dict(color=text_color, ha="center", va="center") plot_settings.update(self._plot_settings) ax.text(x, y, annotation, **plot_settings)
def get_text_color(self, background_color): luminance = sb_utils.relative_luminance(background_color) text_color = ".15" if luminance > .408 else "w" return text_color