Source code for qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import is_empty_data

from qf_lib.common.enums.frequency import Frequency
from qf_lib.containers.time_indexed_container import TimeIndexedContainer

[docs]class QFSeries(pd.Series, TimeIndexedContainer): """ Base class for all time-indexed series used in the quant-fin project. """ def __init__(self, data: object = None, index: object = None, dtype: object = None, name: object = None, copy: object = False, fastpath: object = False): if is_empty_data(data) and dtype is None: dtype = np.dtype(np.float64) super().__init__(data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath) @property def _constructor(self): return QFSeries @property def _constructor_expanddim(self): from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.qf_dataframe import QFDataFrame return QFDataFrame
[docs] def to_log_returns(self) -> "LogReturnsSeries": """ Converts timeseries to the timeseries of logarithmic returns. First date of prices in the returns timeseries won't be present. Returns ------- LogReturnsSeries timeseries of log returns """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_simple_returns(self) -> "SimpleReturnsSeries": """ Converts timeseries to the timeseries of simple returns. First date of prices in the returns timeseries won't be present. Returns ------- SimpleReturnsSeries timeseries of simple returns """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_prices(self, initial_price: float = None, suggested_initial_date: Union[datetime, int, float] = None, frequency: Frequency = None) -> "PricesSeries": """ Converts a timeseries into series of prices. The timeseries of prices returned will have an extra date at the beginning (in comparison to the returns' timeseries). The difference between the extra date and the rest of the dates can be inferred from the returns' timeseries or can be calculated using the frequency passed as the optional argument. Additional date at the beginning (so called "initial date") is caused by the fact, that return for the first date of prices timeseries cannot be calculated, so it's missing. Thus, during the opposite conversion, extra date at the beginning will be added. Parameters ---------- initial_price initial price of the timeseries. If no price will be specified, then it will be assumed to be 1. suggested_initial_date the first date or initial value for the prices series. It won't be necessarily the first date of the price series (e.g. if the method is run on the PricesSeries then it won't be used). frequency the frequency of the returns' timeseries. It is used to infer the initial date for the prices series. Returns ------- PricesSeries series of prices """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def min_max_normalized(self, original_min_value: float = None, original_max_value: float = None) -> "QFSeries": """ Normalizes the data using min-max scaling: it maps all the data to the [0;1] range, so that 0 corresponds to the minimal value in the original series and 1 corresponds to the maximal value. It is also possible to specify values which should correspond to 0 and 1 after applying the normalization. It is useful if the same normalization parameters are used to normalize different data. Parameters ---------- original_min_value value which should correspond to 0 after applying the normalization original_max_value value which should correspond to 1 after applying the normalization Returns ------- normalized_series series of normalized values """ # assert that user specified either both min and max values or none of them assert (original_min_value is None and original_max_value is None) or \ (original_min_value is not None and original_max_value is not None) if original_min_value is None and original_max_value is None: original_min_value = np.nanmin(self.values) original_max_value = np.nanmax(self.values) values_span = original_max_value - original_min_value normalized_values = (self.values - original_min_value) / values_span return self._constructor(data=normalized_values, index=self.index.copy()).__finalize__(self)
[docs] def exponential_average(self, lambda_coeff: float = 0.94) -> "QFSeries": """ Calculates the exponential average of a series. Parameters ---------- lambda_coeff lambda coefficient Returns ------- QFSeries exponential average of the series """ smoothed_series = self.copy(deep=True) for i in range(1, len(self)): current_value_weighted = lambda_coeff * self.iloc[i] prev_value_weighted = (1 - lambda_coeff) * smoothed_series.iloc[i - 1] smoothed_value = current_value_weighted + prev_value_weighted smoothed_series.iloc[i] = smoothed_value return smoothed_series
[docs] def rolling_window_with_benchmark(self, benchmark: "QFSeries", window_size: int, func: Callable[["QFSeries"], float], step: int = 1) -> "QFSeries": """ Looks at a number of windows of size ``window_size`` and transforms the data in those windows based on the specified ``func``. The window indices are stepped at a rate specified by ``step``. This function runs a "correlated" rolling window iteration. The ``func`` must accept two arguments, one from each series. Parameters ---------- benchmark The benchmark to compare to. window_size The size of the window to look at specified as the number of data points. func The function to call during each iteration. When ``other`` is ``None`` this function should take two ``QFSeries`` arguments and return a value. (Usually a number such as a ``float``). step The amount of data points to step through after each iteration, i.e. how much to move the window by in each iteration. Returns ------- QFSeries A ``QFSeries`` containing the transformed data. """ result = QFSeries() # Intersect the two series' indexes. self_series = QFSeries(self) benchmark_series = QFSeries(benchmark) self_series.index = self_series.index.normalize() benchmark_series.index = benchmark_series.index.normalize() intersected = pd.concat([self_series, benchmark_series], axis=1, join="inner") assert isinstance(intersected, pd.DataFrame) # Just to make PyCharm silent. # Apply a rolling window transformation on the QFSeries. # Based on window_start = 0 while window_start + window_size < len(intersected): # Calculate the position of the window's end. window_end = window_start + window_size # Get the start and end dates at the current window indexes. start = intersected.index[window_start] end = intersected.index[window_end] # Return the data for the current window. strategy_slice = QFSeries(intersected.iloc[:, 0].loc[start:end]) benchmark_slice = QFSeries(intersected.iloc[:, 1].loc[start:end]) result[end] = func(strategy_slice, benchmark_slice) window_start += step return result
[docs] def rolling_window(self, window_size: int, func: Callable[[Union["QFSeries", np.ndarray]], float], step: int = 1, optimised: bool = False) -> "QFSeries": """ Looks at a number of windows of size ``window_size`` and transforms the data in those windows based on the specified ``func``. The window indices are stepped at a rate specified by ``step``. Parameters ---------- window_size The size of the window to look at specified as the number of data points. func The function to call during each iteration. When ``other`` is ``None`` this function should take one ``QFSeries`` and return a value (Usually a number such as a ``float``). Otherwise, this function should take two ``QFSeries`` arguments and return a value. step The amount of data points to step through after each iteration, i.e. how much to move the window by in each iteration. optimised Whether the more efficient pandas algorithm should be used for the rolling window application. Note: This has some limitations: The ``step`` must be 1 and ``func`` will get an ``ndarray`` parameter which only contains values and no index. Returns ------- QFSeries A ``QFSeries`` containing the transformed data. """ if optimised: from qf_lib.containers.series.cast_series import cast_series assert step == 1, "Optimised rolling is only possible with a step of 1." uncasted_result = self.rolling(window=window_size, center=False).apply(func=func) return cast_series(uncasted_result, self._constructor) result = QFSeries() # Apply a rolling window transformation on the QFSeries. # Based on window_start = 0 while window_start + window_size <= len(self): # Calculate the position of the window's end. window_end = window_start + window_size - 1 # Get the start and end dates at the current window indexes. start = self.index[window_start] end = self.index[window_end] # Return the data for the current window. result[end] = func(self.loc[start:end]) window_start += step return result
[docs] def get_frequency(self) -> Frequency: """ Attempts to infer the frequency of this series. The analysis uses pandas' infer_freq, as well as a heuristic to reduce the amount of ``Irregular`` results. See the implementation of the Frequency.infer_freq function for more information. """ return Frequency.infer_freq(self.index)
[docs] def total_cumulative_return(self) -> float: """ Calculates the total cumulative return for the series. """ raise NotImplementedError()