Base class for all time-indexed series used in the quant-fin project. |
Series of prices (for example prices of the SPY). |
Series of returns. |
Series of simple returns. |
Series of log-returns. |
Base class for all data frames (2-D matrix-like objects) used in the project. |
DataFrame containing log-returns. |
DataFrame containing prices (for example prices of the SPY). |
DataFrame containing simple returns. |
Class which facilitates the futures contracts management. |
Class representing a single future contract. |
Class to represent a Ticker, which gathers multiple future contracts. |
Representation of a Future Ticker, designed to be used by the BloombergDataProvider. |
Representation of a Future Ticker, designed to be used by the PortaraDataProvider. |
Method used to join the prices of different future contracts, belonging to one future chain. |
Class responsible for generating close orders for expired future contracts. |