
class qf_lib.backtesting.monitoring.backtest_monitor.BacktestMonitor(backtest_result: BacktestResult, settings: Settings, pdf_exporter: PDFExporter, excel_exporter: ExcelExporter, monitor_settings=None, benchmark_tms: Optional[QFSeries] = None)[source]

Bases: AbstractMonitor

This Monitor will be used to monitor backtest run from the script. It will display the portfolio value as the backtest progresses and generate a PDF at the end. It is not suitable for the Web application



Update real time line chart with current backtest progress every fixed number of days


Saves the results of the backtest


This method will not be used by the historical backtest


Save the transaction in backtest result (and in the file if set to do so)

end_of_day_update(_: Optional[datetime] = None)[source]

Update real time line chart with current backtest progress every fixed number of days

end_of_trading_update(_: Optional[datetime] = None)[source]

Saves the results of the backtest

real_time_update(_: Optional[datetime] = None)[source]

This method will not be used by the historical backtest

record_transaction(transaction: Transaction)[source]

Save the transaction in backtest result (and in the file if set to do so)