
class qf_lib.documents_utils.excel.excel_importer.ExcelImporter[source]

Bases: object

Class used for importing Series and DataFrames from the Excel files.


import_cell(file_path, cell_address[, ...])

Imports a container of given type (e.g.

import_container(file_path, starting_cell, ...)

Imports a container of given type (e.g.

import_cell(file_path: str, cell_address: str, sheet_name: Optional[str] = None) Union[int, float, str][source]

Imports a container of given type (e.g. Series/DataFrame) from the Excel file of a given name.

  • file_path – path to the file containing the data to be imported

  • cell_address – address of the cell that you want to get (e.g. ‘A1’)

  • sheet_name – the name of the sheet from which the container should be imported. If no name is given, the active worksheet is used.


object containing the imported value

Return type:


import_container(file_path: str, starting_cell: str, ending_cell: str, container_type: Optional[type] = None, sheet_name: Optional[str] = None, include_index: bool = True, include_column_names: bool = False) Union[QFSeries, QFDataFrame][source]

Imports a container of given type (e.g. Series/DataFrame) from the Excel file of a given name.

  • file_path – path to the file containing the data to be imported

  • starting_cell – top left corner of the imported container (e.g. A1)

  • ending_cell – bottom right corner of the imported container (e.g. B10)

  • container_type – type of the container to import. If none is given, then it is inferred from the bounding box (Series, if there is a single column, DataFrame for multiple columns). Other custom series and dataframe types that extend the Series and DataFrame types can also be used, this includes QFSeries and QFDataFrame.

  • sheet_name – the name of the sheet from which the container should be imported. If no name is given, the active worksheet is used.

  • include_index – if True than it is assumed that index is placed in the first column while values are starting from the 2nd column

  • include_column_names – determines whether the first row in the specified container contains the column names.


object containing the imported data

Return type:
