Source code for qf_lib.analysis.backtests_overfitting.overfitting_analysis

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import itertools
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable, Optional
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from qf_lib.common.enums.frequency import Frequency
from qf_lib.common.utils.returns.cagr import cagr
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.qf_dataframe import QFDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.simple_returns_dataframe import SimpleReturnsDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries

[docs]class OverfittingAnalysis: """ Class providing statistics and analysis for checking if backtest is overfitted. It is based on the algorithms described in "The probability of backtest overfitting" by Bailey, Borwein, Lopez de Prado and Jim Zhu. """ def __init__(self, multiple_returns_timeseries: SimpleReturnsDataFrame, ranking_function: Callable, num_of_slices: int = 14): self.num_of_slices = num_of_slices assert self.num_of_slices % 2 == 0, "Number of slices should be an even number" self.ranking_function = ranking_function self.multiple_returns_timeseries = multiple_returns_timeseries self._is_set = None self._oos_set = None """ Cell matrices with 2 columns and multiple rows. In each cell there is a multiple timeseries (dates column + one column of returns for each strategy). First column contains In-Sample sets and the second one contains Out-Of-Sample sets. """ self.is_ranking = None # type: Optional[List[QFDataFrame]] """ List of QFDataFrames, each of which contains 2 columns - quality and rank, and is indexed by the strategies names. Looking at one of these data frames we can learn which strategy (described using its name) had the highest performance ("rank") and what was that performance ("quality") in the In-Sample period. """ self.oos_ranking = None # type: Optional[List[QFDataFrame]] """ List of QFDataFrames, each of which contains 2 columns - quality and rank, and is indexed by the strategies names. Looking at one of these data frames we can learn which strategy (described using its name) had the highest performance ("rank") and what was that performance ("quality") in the Out-Of-Sample period. """ self.best_is_strategies_names = None # Optional[List[str]] """ List of strategies with the maximum rank. If multiple values equal the maximum, the first strategy with that rank is returned. """ self._rankings_computed = False
[docs] def calculate_overfitting_probability(self): """ Returns the probability of backtest overfitting. """ if not all([self.best_is_strategies_names, self.oos_ranking, self.is_ranking]): self.create_is_oos_rankings() logits = self.calculate_relative_rank_logits(self.best_is_strategies_names) logits_distribution = self._calculate_distribution(logits) pbo = logits_distribution.where(logits_distribution.index <= 0).dropna().sum() return pbo
[docs] def calculate_probability_of_loss(self): """ Returns the probability of loss for the best strategy. """ self.create_is_oos_rankings() best_strategies_annualised_returns = self._get_best_strategies_returns() losing_strategies_returns = [returns for returns in best_strategies_annualised_returns if returns < 0] pol = len(losing_strategies_returns) / len(best_strategies_annualised_returns) return pol
[docs] def calculate_expected_return(self): """ Returns the expected return of best strategies in the Out-Of-Sample.""" self.create_is_oos_rankings() best_strategies_annualised_returns = self._get_best_strategies_returns() expected_return = sum(best_strategies_annualised_returns) / len(best_strategies_annualised_returns) return expected_return
[docs] def get_best_strategies_is_oos_qualities(self): """ Returns ------- QFDataFrame dataframe with two columns: OOS and IS, each row contains the quality value of the best IS strategy for both in sample (quality of the best strategy) nad out of sample (quality of the strategy that was in this combination set, the best one in the in-sample period). """ self.create_is_oos_rankings() oos_qualities = [oos_ranking["quality"].loc[best_is_strategy] for oos_ranking, best_is_strategy in zip(self.oos_ranking, self.best_is_strategies_names)] is_qualities = [is_ranking["quality"].loc[best_is_strategy] for is_ranking, best_is_strategy in zip(self.is_ranking, self.best_is_strategies_names)] return QFDataFrame(data={"OOS": oos_qualities, "IS": is_qualities})
[docs] def calculate_relative_rank_logits(self, strategies_names: List): """ Computes relative ranks for the strategies named in the strategies_names list and afterwards calculates the logits. High logit values imply a consistency between IS and OOS performances, which indicates a low lever of backtest overfitting. """ self.create_is_oos_rankings() num_of_strategies = len(self.multiple_returns_timeseries.columns) relative_ranks = QFSeries(data=[oos_ranking["rank"].loc[best_is_strategy] / (num_of_strategies + 1) for oos_ranking, best_is_strategy in zip(self.oos_ranking, strategies_names)]) logits = np.log(relative_ranks.divide(1.0 - relative_ranks)) return logits
def create_is_oos_rankings(self): if not self._rankings_computed: self._is_set, self._oos_set = self.form_different_is_and_oos_sets(self.multiple_returns_timeseries) self.is_ranking = [self.rank_strategies(is_element) for is_element in self._is_set] self.oos_ranking = [self.rank_strategies(oos_element) for oos_element in self._oos_set] self.best_is_strategies_names = [is_element["rank"].idxmax() for is_element in self.is_ranking] self._rankings_computed = True
[docs] def form_different_is_and_oos_sets(self, multiple_returns_timeseries: QFDataFrame) -> Tuple: """ Splits slices into two groups of equal sizes for all possible combinations. Returns an list of tuples. 1st element of the tuple contains the In-Sample set and the 2nd one contains the Out-Of-Sample set (both in form of QFDataFrames). Each tuple contains one of possible combinations of slices forming IS and OOS sets. E.g. if there are 4 slices: A,B,C,D then one of possible combinations is IS: A,B and OOS: C,D. The given example will be one of rows of the result list. A and B (C and D) will be concatenated (so that there will be one timeseries AB), and so will be one CD timeseries. """ # Drop all rows not aligned to num_of_slices. E.g if the df has 233 rows and the num_of_slices is 50, # then last 33 rows of the original matrix will be dropped rows_to_keep = (multiple_returns_timeseries.num_of_rows // self.num_of_slices) * self.num_of_slices aligned_df = multiple_returns_timeseries.iloc[:rows_to_keep] if aligned_df.empty: raise ValueError("Too few rows in the data frame.") size_of_slices = aligned_df.num_of_rows // self.num_of_slices df_slices = [SimpleReturnsDataFrame(aligned_df.iloc[i:i + size_of_slices, :]) for i in range(0, len(aligned_df), size_of_slices)] # The index order of the original data frame should be preserved in both IS and OOS dfs new_index = aligned_df.index[:len(aligned_df) // 2] is_dfs = [pd.concat(slices) for slices in itertools.combinations(df_slices, self.num_of_slices // 2)] oos_dfs = [aligned_df.loc[aligned_df.index.difference(df.index)] for df in is_dfs] # Adjust the indices at the end, after the oos_dfs and is_dfs are already computed for df in itertools.chain(is_dfs, oos_dfs): df.index = new_index return is_dfs, oos_dfs
[docs] def rank_strategies(self, df: SimpleReturnsDataFrame, ascending: bool = True) -> QFDataFrame: """ Rank strategies using the ranking function. The worst strategy should be marked as 1. Parameters ---------- df: SimpleReturnsDataFrame dataframe containing different strategies returns in the columns ascending: bool if True - the smaller the measure, the worse is the strategy Returns ------- QFDataFrame data frame indexed by strategy names with two columns: quality (containing the quality measure computed for the given strategy, e.g. sharpe ratio) and rank. """ rank_df = QFDataFrame(data={"quality": [self.ranking_function(df[col]) for col in df.columns]}, index=df.columns) rank_df = rank_df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) if rank_df.isna().values.any(): raise ValueError("There exist nan or infinite values in the rank_df") rank_df["rank"] = rank_df["quality"].rank(method="min", ascending=ascending) return rank_df
def _get_best_strategies_returns(self) -> List[float]: """ Returns the annual returns of the best IS strategies """ annual_returns = [] for oos_set, best_strategy_name in zip(self._oos_set, self.best_is_strategies_names): best_strategy_tms = oos_set.loc[:, best_strategy_name] annual_simple_return = cagr(best_strategy_tms, Frequency.DAILY) annual_returns.append(annual_simple_return) return annual_returns def _calculate_distribution(self, qf_series: QFSeries): """ Takes a QFSeries and counts the number occurrences of each value. Then all the occurrences are normalized so that they all sum up to one. Returns -------- QFSeries series, indexed with the values from the original series, containing the normalized numbers of occurrences of each of the values """ occurrences = qf_series.value_counts(sort=False).sort_index() normalized_occurrences = occurrences / occurrences.sum() return normalized_occurrences