Source code for qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.portfolio

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Dict

from qf_lib.backtesting.data_handler.data_handler import DataHandler
from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.backtest_position import BacktestPosition, BacktestPositionSummary
from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.position_factory import BacktestPositionFactory
from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.transaction import Transaction
from qf_lib.backtesting.portfolio.utils import split_transaction_if_needed
from qf_lib.common.tickers.tickers import Ticker
from qf_lib.common.utils.dateutils.timer import Timer
from qf_lib.common.utils.logging.qf_parent_logger import qf_logger
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.qf_dataframe import QFDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.series.prices_series import PricesSeries
from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries

[docs]class Portfolio: def __init__(self, data_handler: DataHandler, initial_cash: float, timer: Timer): """ On creation, the Portfolio object contains no positions and all values are "reset" to the initial cash, with no PnL. """ self.initial_cash = initial_cash self.data_handler = data_handler self.timer = timer self.net_liquidation = initial_cash """ Cash value includes futures P&L + stock value + securities options value + bond value + fund value. """ self.gross_exposure_of_positions = 0 """ Equals the sum of the absolute value of all positions except cash. """ self.current_cash = initial_cash """ Represents the free cash in the portfolio. Part of the cash might be use for margin. """ self.open_positions_dict = {} # type: Dict[Ticker, BacktestPosition] """ Represents all open positions at a certain moment. """ # dates and portfolio values are kept separately because it is inefficient to append to the QFSeries # use get_portfolio_timeseries() to get them as a series. self._dates = [] # type: List[datetime] self._portfolio_values = [] # type: List[float] self._leverage_list = [] # type: List[float] self._positions_history = [] # type: List[Dict[Ticker, BacktestPositionSummary]] """ A list containing dictionaries with summarized assets information in form of BacktestPositionSummary objects, which provide information about open positions at a certain point of time. """ self._closed_positions = [] # type: List[BacktestPosition] """ List of all closed positions created throughout the backtest. """ self.logger = qf_logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def transact_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction): """ Adjusts positions to account for a transaction. Handles any new position or modification to a current position """ transaction_cost = 0.0 existing_position = self.open_positions_dict.get(transaction.ticker, None) if existing_position is None: # open new, empty position new_position = self._create_new_position(transaction) transaction_cost += new_position.transact_transaction(transaction) else: # there is already an existing position results_in_opposite_direction, basic_transaction, remaining_transaction \ = split_transaction_if_needed(existing_position.quantity(), transaction) transaction_cost += existing_position.transact_transaction(basic_transaction) if existing_position.is_closed(): ticker = transaction.ticker self.open_positions_dict.pop(ticker) self._closed_positions.append(existing_position) if results_in_opposite_direction: # means we were going from Long to Short in one transaction new_position = self._create_new_position(remaining_transaction) transaction_cost += new_position.transact_transaction(remaining_transaction) self.current_cash += transaction_cost
[docs] def update(self, record=False): """ Updates the value of all positions that are currently open by getting the most recent price. The function is called at the end of the day (after market close) and after each executed transaction. If the flag record is set to True, it records the current assets values and the portfolio value (this is performed once per day, after the market close). """ self.net_liquidation = self.current_cash self.gross_exposure_of_positions = 0 tickers = list(self.open_positions_dict.keys()) current_prices_series = self.data_handler.get_last_available_price(tickers=tickers) current_positions = {} for ticker, position in self.open_positions_dict.items(): security_price = current_prices_series[ticker] position.update_price(bid_price=security_price, ask_price=security_price) position_value = position.market_value() position_exposure = position.total_exposure() self.net_liquidation += position_value self.gross_exposure_of_positions += abs(position_exposure) if record: current_positions[ticker] = BacktestPositionSummary(position) if record: self._dates.append( self._portfolio_values.append(self.net_liquidation) self._leverage_list.append(self.gross_exposure_of_positions / self.net_liquidation) self._positions_history.append(current_positions)
[docs] def portfolio_eod_series(self) -> PricesSeries: """ Returns a timeseries of value of the portfolio expressed in currency units """ end_of_day_date = list(map(lambda x: datetime(x.year, x.month,, self._dates)) # remove time component portfolio_timeseries = PricesSeries(data=self._portfolio_values, index=end_of_day_date) return portfolio_timeseries
[docs] def leverage_series(self) -> QFSeries: """ Leverage = GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation """ return QFSeries(data=self._leverage_list, index=self._dates) # type: QFSeries
[docs] def positions_history(self) -> QFDataFrame: """ Returns a QFDataFrame containing summary of the positions in the portfolio for each day. """ return QFDataFrame(data=self._positions_history, index=self._dates)
def closed_positions(self) -> List[BacktestPosition]: return self._closed_positions def _create_new_position(self, transaction: Transaction): new_position = BacktestPositionFactory.create_position(transaction.ticker) self.open_positions_dict[transaction.ticker] = new_position return new_position