Source code for qf_lib.common.utils.factorization.data_models.data_model

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from math import floor

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from numpy.linalg import inv, cond
from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_breuschpagan, acorr_ljungbox
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import OLSInfluence
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson

from qf_lib.analysis.timeseries_analysis.timeseries_analysis import TimeseriesAnalysis
from qf_lib.common.timeseries_analysis.return_attribution_analysis import ReturnAttributionAnalysis
from qf_lib.common.timeseries_analysis.risk_contribution_analysis import RiskContributionAnalysis
from qf_lib.common.utils.factorization.data_models.data_model_input import DataModelInput
from qf_lib.common.utils.logging.qf_parent_logger import qf_logger
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.cast_dataframe import cast_dataframe
from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.qf_dataframe import QFDataFrame
from qf_lib.containers.series.cast_series import cast_series
from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries

[docs]class DataModel: """ Class grouping the results of factorization. Parameters ---------- data_model_input data from which the model is built """ AUTOCORR_MAX_LAG = 3 """ int maximal lag used during testing for autocorrelation of the fit; lags used for testing will be values 1, ..., autocorr_max_lag """ AUTOCORR_SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL = 0.05 """ float significance level for the autocorrelation of the fit test """ def __init__(self, data_model_input: DataModelInput): self.logger = qf_logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) self.input_data = data_model_input ######################################################## # OUTPUT VARIABLES # ######################################################## self.fit_model = None """ Structure with a result of multilinear regression (based on all data points and using OLS to calculate coefficients). """ self.fitted_tms = None """ Fitted (predicted) response values based on input data. """ self.intercept = 0.0 """ Constant alpha (y = beta * x + constant). """ self.coefficients = None """ Vector of coefficients [beta1, beta2, ...]. """ self.fit_tms_analysis = None """ TimeseriesAnalysis class based on returns of the fit. """ self.fund_tms_analysis = None """ TimeseriesAnalysis class based on returns of the analysed fund. """ self.risk_contribution = None """ Vector containing normalised risk contribution of each factor. """ self.factors_performance_attribution_ret = None """ Vector containing annualised performance attribution of each factor. """ self.unexplained_performance_attribution_ret = None """ Scalar with annualised return unexplained by factors. """ self.durbin_watson_test = None """ Used to test if linear regression residuals are uncorrelated. Small p-values indicate correlation among residuals. """ self.autocorrelation = None """ Extension of Durbin-Watson test to add many lags (1-5). 0 - not autocorrelated, 1 - autocorrelated. """ self.heteroskedasticity = None """ Probability of a hypothesis that the error variance doesn't depend on input data (regressors). """ self.correlation_matrix = None self.condition_number = None """ Condition number of a matrix measures the sensitivity of the solution of a system of linear equations to errors in the data. """ self.r_squared_of_each_predictor = None """ Concerns about collinearity can be ignored if rSquare is higher than rSquare of each predictor. """ self.in_sample_and_out_sample_returns = None """ Returns of a fit based on in-sample coefficients. Vector with in-sample and out-of-sample simple returns. Its length is equal to length of fitted returns. """ self.oos_start_date = None """ Date on which the Out-Of-Sample period started (In-Sample vs Out-Of-Sample test). """ self.cooks_distance_tms = None """ Cooks distance. Used for checking the influence of outliers for the model. """ self.ols_influence = None """ Class for calculating outliers and influence measures for OLS result. """ def setup(self): self._calc_coefficients() self._setup_return_analysis_of_fund_and_fit(self.fitted_tms) self._setup_out_of_sample_fit() residuals = self.fit_model.resid self.durbin_watson_test = durbin_watson(residuals) regressors_df = self.input_data.regressors_df analysed_tms = self.input_data.analysed_tms self.risk_contribution = RiskContributionAnalysis.get_risk_contribution( regressors_df, self.coefficients, analysed_tms) factors_perf_attrib, unexplained_perf_attrib = ReturnAttributionAnalysis.get_factor_return_attribution( analysed_tms, self.fitted_tms, regressors_df, self.coefficients, self.intercept) self.factors_performance_attribution_ret = factors_perf_attrib self.unexplained_performance_attribution_ret = unexplained_perf_attrib self._setup_correlations(self.fitted_tms) self.condition_number = cond(regressors_df.values) self._setup_r_square_of_each_predictor() self._setup_autocorrelation(residuals) _, _, _, self.heteroskedasticity = het_breuschpagan(residuals, self.fit_model.model.exog) self._setup_cooks_distance(self.fit_model) @property def r_squared(self) -> float: return self.fit_model.rsquared_adj @property def t_values(self) -> QFSeries: return self.fit_model.tvalues @property def p_values(self) -> QFSeries: return self.fit_model.pvalues def _calc_coefficients(self): regressors = self.input_data.regressors_df if self.input_data.is_fit_intercept: regressors = sm.add_constant(regressors, prepend=False) analysed_tms = self.input_data.analysed_tms model = sm.OLS(analysed_tms, regressors) fit ="Fitted model for given regressors and fund returns time series:") coefficients_, intercept_ = self._get_model_params(fit) self.coefficients = coefficients_ self.intercept = intercept_ series_type = type(analysed_tms) self.fitted_tms = series_type(data=fit.fittedvalues, index=analysed_tms.index.copy(), name="Fitted returns") self.fit_model = fit def _get_model_params(self, fit): if self.input_data.is_fit_intercept: coefficients_ = fit.params[:-1] # last value is a constant parameter intercept_ = fit.params[-1] # it needs to be extracted into intercept_ attribute else: coefficients_ = fit.params intercept_ = 0.0 return coefficients_, intercept_ def _setup_return_analysis_of_fund_and_fit(self, fitted_tms): freq = self.input_data.frequency analysed_tms = self.input_data.analysed_tms self.fit_tms_analysis = TimeseriesAnalysis(fitted_tms, freq) self.fund_tms_analysis = TimeseriesAnalysis(analysed_tms, freq) def _setup_out_of_sample_fit(self): """ Creates a fit base just on 2/3 of returns. """ analysed_tms = self.input_data.analysed_tms regressors_df = self.input_data.regressors_df number_of_data_in_sample = int(floor(len(analysed_tms) * 2 / 3)) self.oos_start_date = analysed_tms.index[number_of_data_in_sample - 1] regressors_in_sample_df = regressors_df.iloc[:number_of_data_in_sample, :] fund_returns_in_sample_tms = analysed_tms.iloc[:number_of_data_in_sample] if len(regressors_in_sample_df.columns) <= 1: return"Fitting in sample using {:d} data points".format(number_of_data_in_sample)) if self.input_data.is_fit_intercept: regressors_in_sample_df = sm.add_constant(regressors_in_sample_df, prepend=False) model = sm.OLS(fund_returns_in_sample_tms, regressors_in_sample_df) fit = coeffs_in_sample, intercept_in_sample = self._get_model_params(fit) portfolio_returns = self._get_weighted_portfolio_rets( returns=regressors_df, weights=coeffs_in_sample, intercept=intercept_in_sample) self.in_sample_and_out_sample_returns = portfolio_returns def _get_weighted_portfolio_rets(self, returns, weights, intercept): assert len(returns.columns) == len(weights) # normalize weights, so that they contain intercept factor in the end and that they all sum up to 1 norm_weights = list(weights) + [intercept] norm_weights = np.array(norm_weights) norm_weights = norm_weights / sum(norm_weights) norm_returns = sm.add_constant(returns, prepend=False) portfolio_returns = portfolio_returns = cast_series(portfolio_returns, type(returns)) portfolio_returns.__finalize__(returns) return portfolio_returns def _setup_correlations(self, fitted_tms): analysed_tms = self.input_data.analysed_tms regressors_df = self.input_data.regressors_df data_for_correlation = pd.concat((fitted_tms, regressors_df, analysed_tms), axis=1) self.correlation_matrix = cast_dataframe(data_for_correlation.corr(), output_type=QFDataFrame) def _setup_r_square_of_each_predictor(self): regressors_df = self.input_data.regressors_df corr_matrix = regressors_df.corr() corr_matrix = cast_dataframe(corr_matrix, output_type=QFDataFrame) vif = np.diagonal(inv(corr_matrix)) r_squared_values = 1 - (1 / vif) self.r_squared_of_each_predictor = QFSeries(data=r_squared_values, index=regressors_df.columns.copy()) def _setup_autocorrelation(self, residuals): lags = range(1, self.AUTOCORR_MAX_LAG + 1) # p_value is a probability of no autocorrelation present (separate value for each lag) return_df = acorr_ljungbox(residuals, lags=lags, return_df=True) # type: pd.DataFrame p_value = return_df["lb_pvalue"] self.autocorrelation = p_value <= self.AUTOCORR_SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL def _setup_cooks_distance(self, ols_results): ols_influence = OLSInfluence(ols_results) cooks_distance, _ = ols_influence.cooks_distance dates_index = self.input_data.regressors_df.index self.cooks_distance_tms = QFSeries(data=cooks_distance, index=dates_index.copy()) self.ols_influence = ols_influence