Source code for qf_lib.common.utils.miscellaneous.kelly

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from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries
from qf_lib.containers.series.simple_returns_series import SimpleReturnsSeries

[docs]def kelly(qf_series: QFSeries) -> float: """ Calculates the value of the Kelly Criterion (the fraction of money that should be invested) for the series of returns/prices. Kelly Criterion assumptions: 1. You trade the same way you traded in the past. 2. Each return corresponds to one trade. 3. Returns are normally distributed (calculated value will be close to the ideal kelly value even for highly skewed returns. Test showed that the difference of up to 10% (relative) might occur for extremely skewed distributions. Parameters ---------- qf_series: QFSeries timeseries of returns/prices. Each return/price must correspond to one trade. Returns ------- float fraction of money that should be invested """ # it is important to convert a series to simple returns and not log returns returns_tms = qf_series.to_simple_returns() # type: SimpleReturnsSeries mean = returns_tms.mean() variance = returns_tms.var() kelly_criterion_value = mean / variance return kelly_criterion_value
[docs]def kelly_binary(win_probability: float, win_size: float, lose_size: float) -> float: """ Calculates the value of the Kelly Criterion (the fraction of money that should be invested) for a bet that has two possible outcomes. NOTE: This method should not be used to estimate the kelly value for a timeseries. Parameters ---------- win_probability:float probability of winning. Assumes that probability of losing is 1 - win_probability. win_size: float gain if we win. For example: 0.7 means that we get additional 70% of what we bet. (if we bet 10$ and we win we now have 17$) new_value = old_value * (1 + win_size) lose_size: float lose if we lose. This value should be negative. For example: -0.2 means that we lose 20% of what we bet. (if we bet 10$ and we lose we now have 8$) new_value = old_value * (1 + lose_size) Returns ------- float fraction of money that should be invested """ kelly_value = (-win_size * win_probability + lose_size * win_probability - lose_size) / (win_size * lose_size) return kelly_value