Source code for qf_lib.common.utils.miscellaneous.volume_weighted_average_price

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from numpy import count_nonzero, mean
from pandas import Timedelta

from qf_lib.common.utils.numberutils.is_finite_number import is_finite_number
from qf_lib.containers.series.prices_series import PricesSeries, QFSeries

[docs]def volume_weighted_average_price(prices_tms: PricesSeries, volumes_tms: QFSeries, interval: Timedelta) -> PricesSeries: """ Aggregates prices in the prices_tms by calculating the average weighted price for each period. The average weighted prices are weighted by the volumes traded in each period. Parameters ---------- prices_tms: PricesSeries timeseries of prices which should be aggregated volumes_tms: QFSeries timeseries of volumes traded; must correspond to the prices_tms interval: Timedelta the length of each period from which prices should be aggregated Returns ------- PricesSeries timeseries of aggregated prices; first datetimes are: first_price_datetime + interval, first_price_datetime + 2*interval, ..., first_price_datetime + i*interval, where first_price_datetime is the datetime of the first price in the original prices_tms The last datetime is always <= last datetime in the prices_tms """ assert prices_tms.index.equals(volumes_tms.index) last_date = prices_tms.index[-1] beginning_of_window = prices_tms.index[0] end_of_window = beginning_of_window + interval weighted_avg_price_tms = PricesSeries( while end_of_window < last_date: prices_in_window = prices_tms.loc[beginning_of_window:end_of_window].drop([end_of_window]).values volumes_in_window = volumes_tms.loc[beginning_of_window:end_of_window].drop([end_of_window]).values # if there are no prices in the window then skip try with the next window if prices_in_window.size == 0: continue # if there are no volumes to use -> assume that volume in each step is the same if count_nonzero(volumes_in_window) == 0: # if all the volumes are set to 0 than assume that volume for each asset is the same weighted_avg_price = mean(prices_in_window) else: # calculate volume-weighted average price weighted_price_sum = volume_sum = sum(volumes_in_window) weighted_avg_price = weighted_price_sum / volume_sum # if the weighted average price is equal exactly 0, it means that there were missing data if is_finite_number(weighted_avg_price) and weighted_avg_price != 0: weighted_avg_price_tms[end_of_window] = weighted_avg_price beginning_of_window = end_of_window end_of_window = end_of_window + interval return weighted_avg_price_tms