Source code for qf_lib.plotting.charts.histogram_chart

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Tuple, Union, Any, Sequence
from scipy.stats import norm

from qf_lib.plotting.charts.chart import Chart

[docs]class HistogramChart(Chart): """ Constructs a new histogram based on the ``series`` specified. Parameters ---------- series: Sequence The series to plot in the histogram. best_fit: boolean, default ``False``. Whether a best fit line should be drawn. bins: int, str The amount of intervals to use for this histogram. start_x: Any The upper bound of the x-axis. end_x: Any The lower bound of the x-axis. plot_settings Options to pass to the ``hist`` function. """ def __init__(self, series: Sequence, best_fit: bool = False, bins: Union[int, str] = 20, start_x: Any = None, end_x: Any = None, **plot_settings): super().__init__(start_x=start_x, end_x=end_x) self.series = series self.plot_settings = plot_settings self._num_of_bins = bins self._best_fit = best_fit
[docs] def plot(self, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = None): self._setup_axes_if_necessary(figsize) # Plot the horizontal bar chart. n, bins, patches = self.axes.hist(self.series, bins=self._num_of_bins, ec='white', **self.plot_settings) if self._best_fit: # Calculate the best fit for the data. mu, sigma = # Draw best fit line. y = norm.pdf(bins, mu, sigma) # Multiply by count of data and bin width to get unnormalised best fit line. unnormalised_y = y * len(self.series) * abs(bins[0] - bins[1]) self.axes.plot(bins, unnormalised_y, "r--") # Draw vertical line at x=0. self.axes.axvline(0.0, color='black', linewidth=1) self._apply_decorators() self._adjust_style()