Source code for qf_lib.plotting.helpers.create_line_chart

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Union, Any

import pandas

from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries
from qf_lib.plotting.charts.line_chart import LineChart
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.data_element_decorator import DataElementDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.legend_decorator import LegendDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.line_decorators import HorizontalLineDecorator, VerticalLineDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.point_emphasis_decorator import PointEmphasisDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.span_decorator import SpanDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.title_decorator import TitleDecorator

[docs]def create_line_chart( data_list: List[Union[QFSeries, DataElementDecorator]], names_list, title: str = None, recession_series: QFSeries = None, horizontal_lines_list: List[float] = None, vertical_lines_list: List[float] = None, disable_dot: bool = False, start_x: datetime = None, end_x: datetime = None, upper_y: float = None, lower_y: float = None, dot_decimal_points: int = 2, recession_name: str = None) -> LineChart: """ Creates a new line chart based on the settings specified. This function makes certain assumptions about the line chart, it can be customised via the parameters which should cover >90% of use cases. For more customisation use the ``LineChart`` class directly. Parameters ---------- data_list: List[Union[QFSeries, DataElementDecorator]] A list of ``QFSeries`` or ``DataElementDecorator``s to plot on the chart. names_list: List[str] A list of strings specifying the labels for the series, horizontal and vertical lines respectively. ``None`` can be specified for labels to not display it for a specific series, or line. title: str The title of the graph, specify ``None`` if you don't want the chart to show a title. recession_series: QFSeries A ``QFSeries`` specifying where recessions occurred on the chart, will be highlighted using grey rectangles on the graph. horizontal_lines_list: List[float] An optional list of values where a horizontal line should be drawn. vertical_lines_list: List[float] An optional list of values where a vertical line should be drawn. disable_dot: bool Whether a marker on the last point should be disabled. start_x: datetime The date where plotting should begin. end_x: datetime The date where plotting should end. upper_y: float The upper bound y-axis value at which plotting should begin. lower_y: float The lower bound y-axis value at which plotting should begin. dot_decimal_points: int How many decimal places to show after the decimal points when drawing text for "dot". recession_name: str A string specifying the recession label. If "None" or missing, will not be included. Returns ------- LineChart The constructed ``LineChart``. """ # If `end_x` was not specified, use a heuristic to determine it. if end_x is None and start_x is not None: end_x = LineChart.determine_end_x(start_x, data_list) # Create a new Line Chart. line_chart = LineChart(start_x=start_x, end_x=end_x, upper_y=upper_y, lower_y=lower_y) line_chart.tick_fontweight = "bold" line_chart.tick_color = "black" names_index = 0 # Current legend label. legend_decorator = LegendDecorator(key='legend') # Retrieve necessary data. for data in data_list: assert isinstance(data, (pandas.Series, DataElementDecorator)) # Add the current series with a label taken from ``names_list``. data_element = data if isinstance(data_element, pandas.Series): data_element = DataElementDecorator(data) line_id = data_element.key line_chart.add_decorator(data_element) # Retrieve the last data point. point_to_emphasise = \ (_get_last_valid_value(, _get_last_valid_value( series_label = _get_name(names_list, names_index) if series_label is not None: legend_decorator.add_entry( data_element, series_label + " [{}]".format(point_to_emphasise[0].strftime("%b %y"))) names_index += 1 if not disable_dot: # Emphasise the last data point. point_emphasis = PointEmphasisDecorator( data_element, point_to_emphasise, decimal_points=dot_decimal_points, key="point_emphasis_{}".format(line_id), use_secondary_axes=data_element.use_secondary_axes) line_chart.add_decorator(point_emphasis) # Create a title. if title is not None: title_decorator = TitleDecorator(title, "title") line_chart.add_decorator(title_decorator) # Create spans (rectangles) to highlight the recession periods. if recession_series is not None: span_decorator = SpanDecorator.from_int_list(recession_series, "span") line_chart.add_decorator(span_decorator) if recession_name is not None: legend_decorator.add_entry(span_decorator, recession_name) # Create horizontal lines. if horizontal_lines_list is not None: for hline in horizontal_lines_list: line_decorator = HorizontalLineDecorator(hline, key="hline" + str(hline)) line_chart.add_decorator(line_decorator) series_label = _get_name(names_list, names_index) if series_label is not None: legend_decorator.add_entry(line_decorator, series_label) names_index += 1 # Create vertical lines. if vertical_lines_list is not None: for vline in vertical_lines_list: line_decorator = VerticalLineDecorator(vline, key="vline" + str(vline)) line_chart.add_decorator(line_decorator) series_label = _get_name(names_list, names_index) if series_label is not None: legend_decorator.add_entry(line_decorator, series_label) names_index += 1 # Add a legend. line_chart.add_decorator(legend_decorator) return line_chart
def _get_last_valid_value(list: List[Any]) -> Any: i = len(list) - 1 while i >= 0: if not pandas.isnull(list[i]): return list[i] i -= 1 raise Exception("Could not find non-NaN value inside list. Your series may be full of NaNs.") def _get_name(names, index: int) -> str: if index > len(names) - 1: raise IndexError("Could not find Legend name at index {}. Pass `None` if you do not wish to " "specify it.".format(index)) return names[index]