Source code for qf_lib.plotting.helpers.create_rolling_chart_using_benchmark

#     Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.

from typing import Union, List, Callable

import numpy
import pandas

from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries
from qf_lib.plotting.charts.line_chart import LineChart
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.data_element_decorator import DataElementDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.legend_decorator import LegendDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.line_decorators import VerticalLineDecorator
from qf_lib.plotting.decorators.title_decorator import TitleDecorator

RollingWindowFunction = Callable[[Union[QFSeries, numpy.ndarray], Union[QFSeries, numpy.ndarray]], float]

[docs]def create_rolling_chart_using_benchmark( series: Union[QFSeries, List[QFSeries]], benchmark_series: QFSeries, func: RollingWindowFunction, func_name: str, window_size: int = 126, step: int = 20, oos_date: str = None) -> LineChart: """ Creates a new line chart and adds the rolling window for each of the specified series to it. The `func` function is fed data for each window and whatever it returns is added to the resulting rolled series. For example: .. code-block::python create_rolling_chart_using_benchmark([strategy1_tms, strategy2_tms], benchmark_tms lambda a, b: beta_and_alpha(PricesSeries(a), PricesSeries(b))[0], "Sharpe Ratio", oos_date=oos_date) The example above will return beta of every rolling window Parameters ---------- series: QFSeries, List[QFSeries] One or more series to apply the rolling window transformation on add to the resulting chart. benchmark_series: QFSeries benchmark for every series passed as a first argument func: RollingWindowFunction Called for each window. Takes two arguments (series_window, benchmark_window). Returns a float. func_name: str Used in the title to specify the function that was called. window_size: int step: int determines by how many steps we shift the rolling window oos_date: str only the OOS date of the first series in the list will be taken into account Returns ------- LineChart """ chart = LineChart() # Add a legend. legend = LegendDecorator() chart.add_decorator(legend) series_list = series if isinstance(series_list, QFSeries): series_list = [series_list] assert isinstance(series_list, list) for tms in series_list: rolling = tms.rolling_window_with_benchmark(benchmark_series, window_size, func, step=step) rolling_element = DataElementDecorator(rolling) chart.add_decorator(rolling_element) legend.add_entry(rolling_element, # Add title chart.add_decorator(TitleDecorator("Rolling {} (window: {}, step: {}, BM: {}) ". format(func_name, window_size, step, # Add OOS line. new_oos_date = series_list[0].index.asof(pandas.to_datetime(oos_date)) line = VerticalLineDecorator(new_oos_date, color='orange', linestyle="dashed") chart.add_decorator(line) return chart